Hollow abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart for sale by Stephen Williams.
Hollow abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart by Stephen Williams | New Zealand.
Abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart by Stephen Williams.
Abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart with light for sale by Stephen Williams.
Hollow abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart by Stephen Williams.
Hollow abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart by Stephen Williams.
Hollow abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart by Stephen Williams.
Hollow abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart by Stephen Williams.
Hollow abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart by Stephen Williams | New Zealand.


Regular price $1,600

The top part of this sculpture is an abstraction of a model heart with tubes that resemble arteries and the twin exhausts of a motorcycle. These arise from a concave surface similar to that of a red blood cell. The shape of the lower part of the sculpture is a larger version of the top section and sits below it at right angles.
14 day refund policy

 Height: 15cm (5.9inch)
Width: 16cm (6.3inch)
Depth: 12cm (4.7inch)
Weight: 2.5kg (6Lbs)
Glass: Gaffer Pale Lagoon, Sandblasted, Acid etched
Wooden light base included (more information)
Shipping: NZ Free; Australia: $80
Rest of the world: NZD$200
Hollow abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart by Stephen Williams | New Zealand.
Abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart by Stephen Williams.
Abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart with light for sale by Stephen Williams.
Hollow abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart by Stephen Williams.
Hollow abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart by Stephen Williams.
Hollow abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart by Stephen Williams.
Hollow abstract cast glass sculpture of the heart by Stephen Williams.